stand P 1.37
web: |
www.labimexcz.cz |
e-mail: | info@labimex.cz |
tel: | +420 241 740 120 |
Počernická 96, 108 00 Praha 10 - Malešice, CZ
LABIMEX CZ-traditional supplier of measuring and laboratory test equipment with guaranteed service, consulting and calibration services.
Mechanical probes, water jet nozzles, dust and spray chambers for IP protection degree determination, glow wire testers, tracking testers, cable testers and others. Corossion salt and condensation chambers, chambers for UV and simulated sun light testing. Temperature and climatic chambers. Testers for rubber and plastic aging, relaxation and creep testing. Flamability tests of materials and products. Detection of toxic and explosive gases and oxgen, both fixed and portable for ZONE 0,1 and 2. Industrial fans and ventilators, vacuum cleaners, air filtration. Manipulation with powder materials.
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