Amper Summit 2025

Distribution network limits for modern energy

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME - 18.03.2025, building, Výstaviště Brno
Please note that the conference is held in Czech language

10.00 - 11.00 - Strategies and conditions of distribution network development in Central Europe

Lukáš Vlček, Minister of Industry and Trade, MIT - Priorities of the Czech energy sector

Petr Hladík, Minister of the Environment - Development of the energy system from the Modernization Fund - TBC

René Neděla, Senior Director, MIT - Strategy for the development of the distribution network in the Czech Republic

Michal Puchel, Chairman of the Board, OTE - Network development, changing structures of market participants and their influence on market pricing

Martina Krčová, Member of the ERO Council - Conditions of distribution network development (not only) for community energy

Zdeněk Hruška, Technical Director, ČEPS, a.s. - Investments in the Czech transmission system

11.00-11. 15 - break

11.15-12.15 - Smart solutions for modern energy development

Pavel Čada, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, EG.D Holding, a.s. - Investments in networks as a condition for the development of modern energy

Stanislav Votruba, Head of Network Concept Section, PREdistribution - Specifics of network development in large cities for community energy

Miloš Nagy, Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. - Development and stability of the distribution network in Slovakia for RES and electromobility

Petr Fajmon, CEO, Member of the Board of Directors, Teplárny Brno, a.s. - Barriers to the development of smart solutions

Jakub Novotný, Project Manager for Renewable Energy, JRD Energo - Experience with the construction of wind power plants in the Czech Republic

Jiří Pech, Managing Director, PKV BUILD s.r.o. - Complex energy solutions for municipalities and entrepreneurs

12.15-13.00 - discussion

13.00 - conclusion of the conference, buffet lunch


Registration information:

Representatives of public administration - 0 CZK

Representatives of companies exhibiting at the AMPER fair - 590 CZK + VAT

Representatives of companies not exhibiting at the AMPER fair - 990 CZK + VAT

The price includes a lunch buffet after the conference

Please confirm your participation by e-mail: by Tuesday 11 March 2025.


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