26. 08. 2024 AMPER 2025 starts with great deal of interest from exhibitors

150 companies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Poland and other countries have already registered for AMPER 2025, which is an increase of 10% compared to the 2024 edition. Among the registrants are long-standing exhibitors as well as new companies presenting themselves at AMPER for the first time.

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01. 08. 2024 Preparations for AMPER 2025 in full swing

In May this year, the organizer, Terinvest, started preparations for the 31st edition of the AMPER trade fair. This important event will take place on 18-21 March 2025 at the Brno Exhibition Centre. The fair will return to the popular halls P and F again, as the bypass around the Brno Exhibition Centre will already be in operation, which is essential for the success of the fair.

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